the Twilight books. I am interested but not a
huge reader. Should I invest my time to read these
books? Please let me know what you love about this
series. I need to catch up quickly because from
what I hear book 4 comes out in August and also
a movie. Please let me know why you like these books.
July 29, 2008 at 4:14 PM
Oh do I even have to comment on this post? Please, it will be a time investment that you won't regret! They are awesome. Reading increases your brain activity and it can ward off the onset of alzheimers. That's enough for me!
July 29, 2008 at 4:55 PM
Serena you should for sure read them.When I was reading them and had to put it down to like take care of my kids(Darn kids) it was like when you watching a really good show and have to get back to it to see the ending.They are well worth the time just give it a try.I have them so don't buy them.
July 29, 2008 at 8:44 PM'll love it! I'm not a huge reader either and I heard so much hype about this series after book 1, but vampires...paaalease! That's waht I though. Then I read the first book in 3 days (BTW, that's a record for me). I love them. I just bought Stephanie's new book, The Host. And yes, book 4 in the Twilight series comes out on Saturday! I'll be in line for sure. The movie is coming out in December, so at least read the first book before then. LYL, MYM
July 29, 2008 at 9:07 PM
First of all, I'm assuming this is Serena posting this? If it is Clint, and you decide to read these books, my husband may tease you mercilessly for doing so. ;-)
Serena, the books speak for themselves. Start reading and if you get past the first 20 pages without getting sucked in I'd be surprised.
I've lent my set out to at least a half a dozen people. I've yet to have someone say they didn't love them.
July 29, 2008 at 9:22 PM
READ THEM! I have read all three and Shantel is right, it's like you can't put them down!! It's definitely no waste of time!!! You won't regret it!!!
July 29, 2008 at 9:26 PM
Don't get your hopes up...I have nothing bad to say about the books. What I think makes them so great is that they are so easy to get caught up in. I think a good story is always worth the time.
July 30, 2008 at 8:59 AM
Thanks for letting me know that these are worth reading. Briana and Jackie have both read them and now Tayler would like to read them. I might just buy them, sounds like a good investment of time and money. Thanks for your comments!!
July 30, 2008 at 9:45 AM
I changed my mind. I decided I would miss Clint too much if I spent all my time reading these ridiculous books..... :) (Really, this is me, Serena, posting this, not Clint)